An Oral History Project from within the ECCC: Voices from the ECCC is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and publishing testimonies of former officials, stakeholders, and parties who participated in the ECCC.  The project will focus on collecting the testimonies in video format for publication and retrieval online.  The interviews will be guided by directed questions to the interviewee that touch upon the interviewee’s perspectives and experiences as it relates to their relationship to the ECCC and its processes. The project will primarily look to interview former officials, to include 

prosecutors, defense counsel, civil party lawyers, and administrative staff involved with the court.  In addition, the project will also seek to interview other stakeholders, to include organizations that support the ECCC, as well as Cambodian government and other government and United Nations’ representatives.  All interviews will serve as an educational tool on the ECCC, as well as a resource for further scholarship and debate on the ECCC’s success, lessons learned, and legacy.